Eye-Able®-Web Accessibility

Eye-Able is a full-featured platform designed to make websites accessible. It consists of three modules:

  • Assistance Software for Web Interfaces: the user-oriented assistance software of Eye-Able is integrated with the digital products to improve accessibility. With over 25 features such as contrast mode, screen reader, adaptive sizing, or color blindness filters, users can visually adapt content to their needs.
  • WCAG testing: Eye-Able’s WCAG testing software aims to fulfill the accessibility requirements in an easy way. It focuses on automated testing of websites based on local accessibility standards. The testing software can be easily installed in the browser to evaluate digital systems. Users can choose to receive a complete test reporting with error results and instructions on how to fix common accessibility mistakes.
  • Browser extension for employees: dedicated browser extension service for corporate employees enables to achieve a digitally accessible workplace design. The assistive software helps employees with disabilities use the browser, granting them access to all functions, such as contrast mode, intelligent font magnification, and read aloud function. The extension for employees can be easily integrated into the browser and operates independently of the device used.

About Eye-Able

Eye-Able was founded with the goal of creating a more equitable digital environment by improving web interfaces to empower everyone to enjoy online content equally from any device. The services help promote inclusion for companies and organizations, both internally and externally. In factthe Eye-Able suite of products enables websites to be equipped with assistive software, web interfaces to be certified as compliant, and employees to be facilitated in the workplace.

• Assistance software to allow users to customize the screen view to suit their needs
• WCAG Testing Software for a complete site audit in terms of accessibilityWCAG Testing Software for a complete site audit in terms of accessibility
• Employee Browser Extension to enable employees with vision impairment to work independently

Some clients who have already chosen Eye-Able

Sede Legale

Via Cavour 69
39012 Merano (BZ)

P. IVA: IT02611260213


Tel +39 02 45075259